Game Design – Week 7 – Tools, Time, and Rooms

CreativeCommons image Tool Stash by Meena Kadri at


  • My week has been going okay. I have been thinking a lot about school and what I am going to learn over the year.



  • The Making Your First Game video was very helpful in my eyes. It showed that you should just build a very small game that just has the core mechanics and go from there. It also told what the hardest and simplest of these games are to make.

Game Genres from the Simplest and Most Difficult to Create

  1. Racing Game
  2. Top-Down Shooter
  3. 2d Platformer
  4. Color Matching Puzzle Game
  5. 2D Puzzle Platformer
  6. 3D Platformer
  7. FPS
  8. JRPG
  9. Fighting Game
  10. Action Adventure
  11. Western RPG
  12. RTS


  • The two videos on how a game designer thinks and how they see the world was very interesting to me because it shows that you have to be inspired by other games. Also to look at the world around you and see something that could help improve your game.


  • I went for a walk with my dog today for around 22 minutes and tried to image my life as a story. In the story I was the main character and my friends and family are there to help me out and always have my back. The antagonist was school work and how its always lurking around the corner.


  • Idea #1: FPS—–You start in a space ship but it crashes into a unknown planet that has aliens that want you gone. You manage to scavenge an alien weapon and you slay the aliens trying to find a way back to Earth
  • Idea #2 Racing—– You are racing in a underground race track that has jumps and obstacles along the track. There is one exception though. Everyone racing is driving backwards and can only use their rear and side view mirrors to look where they are going
  • Idea #3 2D plat former —– In this game you are a cube that has to dodge lots of shapes coming towards you and you have to get to the source of where all of the shapes are coming from.
  • Idea #4 Action Adventure —– This game you are at the bottom of a cliff and have to use a grappling hook and use momentum to swing yourself up the mountain. On the mountain there will be obstacles preventing you from getting up the mountain.
  • Idea #5 Action Adventure —– You are a biker that goes bikes down long grass, desert, and mountain hills going at insane speeds and doing tricks on the way down to increase your score.


  • I do like that for classes with only review and what we need to do, that those zoom meetings are not as long as one where you teach us what we need to be learning and how to things for the year.

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